Currently Browsing: primal products & reviews

Let the Wild Rumpus Begin

Let the Wild Rumpus Begin In case you havent heard, this years Primal Challenge is going to begin on September 7, the day after Labor Day. It looks like this year’s challenge is going to be better than ever. For those of you who werent around for the challenge last year, heres how it worked. In addition to encouraging individuals to make a personal commitment to the primal lifestyle for 30 days, Mark would post a new contest...

6 Week Cure for the Middle-Aged Middle

6 Week Cure for the Middle-Aged Middle Pardon my absence as of late. I havent been feeling like posting much mainly because I havent been cooking much. Here it is the fall harvest season and I’ve done little more in the kitchen this last week than whip up a few meals for the kids and cut up a rotisserie chicken. The reason In a very un-primal manner I have been drinking protein shakes for breakfast and lunch followed by a simple...

Agave Nectar – Friend or Foe?

Agave Nectar – Friend or Foe? Sometimes I wish I were one of those people who could casually take or leave a chocolate-caramel brownie. Or better yet, one of those strange specimens who actually find the taste of sugar too sweet and mildly unpleasant. But I am not. I am slave to my physiology and people evolved to enjoy sweet foods. In nature, sweet foods are rich in nutrients and carbohydrates (think carrots making them a good bet for...

Kombucha – What’s Up With This Stuff?

Kombucha – What’s Up With This Stuff? Somebody in my microbiology class last semester home-brewed kombucha and gave a presentation on the process as her term project. At the time, being the nerd that I am, I’d never heard of it. Apparently, kombucha has been part of the cultural lexicon for several years now. It is not unusual for me to learn about ‘new’ products or fads long after the fact. Of course, once I heard...

Uninspired by Your Farmer’s Market? Consider a CSA Farm Share

Uninspired by Your Farmer’s Market?  Consider a CSA Farm Share I know that some parts of the country have really great farmer’s markets. I know this because I used to live in Portland, Oregon. The farmer’s market in the South Park Blocks while unappreciated by me at the time, would now rock my world. I also know this because I read food blogs whose authors live in large metropolitan areas or on the West Coast. These authors talk about the farmer’s...

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