
We Have a Winner! (actually two)

Thanks to everyone who left a comment suggesting recipes you’d like to see on This Primal Life. The winner of the Primal Blueprint Cookbook is Caroline Bull! Caroline, send me an email with your address and I’ll ask the good people at Mark’s Daily Apple to send your cookbook out. I also decided to choose another winner to receive a free bracelet courtesy of Synergy Beads. I love these...

Primal Recipe Video Contest – Primal Pizza

Primal Recipe Video Contest – Primal Pizza This is the video I am entering into the Primal Recipe Video Contest at Mark’s Daily Apple. As I discussed in my previous primal pizza post, I spent a long time developing this surprisingly simple recipe. I love pizza and was dissatisfied with my pizza options after I made the switch to primal eating. I wanted a good-tasting, firm crust that wasn’t a treat but something I could eat on a...

Win The Primal Blueprint Cookbook – So Easy!

Win The Primal Blueprint Cookbook – So Easy! Okay, so I said I was going to have a giveaway and here it is. The prize: Mark Sisson’s The Primal Blueprint Cookbook To enter to win this fabulous prize, complete the following tasks: 1. Like This Primal Life on Facebook Be sure you use this link so that you are liking the PAGE, not joining the GROUP (which was a mistake and will probably be deleted eventually. 2. Then, leave a comment on this...

Let the Wild Rumpus Begin

Let the Wild Rumpus Begin In case you havent heard, this years Primal Challenge is going to begin on September 7, the day after Labor Day. It looks like this year’s challenge is going to be better than ever. For those of you who werent around for the challenge last year, heres how it worked. In addition to encouraging individuals to make a personal commitment to the primal lifestyle for 30 days, Mark would post a new contest...
