Thanks to everyone who left a comment suggesting recipes you’d like to see on This Primal Life.
The winner of the Primal Blueprint Cookbook is Caroline Bull! Caroline, send me an email with your address and I’ll ask the good people at Mark’s Daily Apple to send your cookbook out.
I also decided to choose another winner to receive a free bracelet courtesy of Synergy Beads. I love these bracelets and my entire family (even the kids wears them. In addition to being beautifully made, the CEO of Synergy Beads is a personal friend who puts an incredible amount of personal care and consideration into each and every bracelet. I can’t recommend this product highly enough. The winner of a free Synergy bracelet is Neva! Neva, take a look at the Synergy Beads site and send me an email with your choice of bracelet.
Thanks again to everyone who participated. I got some awesome ideas and will be posting some more recipes soon.
Incidentally, my pizza crust recipe was posted on Mark’s Daily Apple yesterday. If I make it as far as the voting and if any of my readers sees fit to vote for me, I will be most grateful! I’d love to see what this whole Sous Vide Supreme thing is all about!
I am so happy to see your blog up and running again! Really enjoyed it when i started the PB back in February. This is one of the sites i bookmarked to come back to for recipes. Was always wishing that it was still going…guess i got my wish:)