
Let the Wild Rumpus Begin

Let the Wild Rumpus Begin In case you havent heard, this years Primal Challenge is going to begin on September 7, the day after Labor Day. It looks like this year’s challenge is going to be better than ever. For those of you who werent around for the challenge last year, heres how it worked. In addition to encouraging individuals to make a personal commitment to the primal lifestyle for 30 days, Mark would post a new contest...

The Perfect Primal Pizza Crust: I Have Cracked the Code

The Perfect Primal Pizza Crust: I Have Cracked the Code There are two things you may not know about me. The first is that I enjoy eating large quantities. I dont know how I developed this inclination, but there it is. I distinctly remember the day I was able to eat entire can of Spaghetti-Os, just like my big brother. I was so proud. I once asked my husband if he had ever dated a woman who could eat more than me. He responded with a nervous look but I...

Primal Rosemary Olive Oil Cake

Primal Rosemary Olive Oil Cake My kitchen is a mess. I dont mean messy, I mean it has too much of too many types of food in it. It looks like three different families just stopped by and dropped off their weekly groceries. Im trying to remain calm about it. “Itll all work out,” I say to myself. Ill just make some big soups”. But in fact it all has me a little nervous and confused. First off, this is the time of year...

Primal Plane Food

Primal Plane Food Its six in the morning and Ive just started the coffee. Today is the day of our big trip. The whole crew will be returning to my birthplace, Portland, Oregon and then the coast. This will be the girls first plane trip and, subsequently, my first plane trip with them. Until now Id have preferred chewing tinfoil to sitting next to my kids on an airplane for any length of time. Family vacation seemed a...

A Primal Sandwich Solution

A Primal Sandwich Solution My go-to lunch is a chunk of meat cooked up with some vegetables on the stove. At the moment, however, we are deep into summer and I really havent been feeling like pushing food around over a hot stove at noon. Furthermore, It is not always convenient to be home at lunch time. If youve been eating primal for any length of time I am sure you have come to know the elusive nature of the on-the-go lunch in a...

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